Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unlawful health reform?

I like to call him my friend, George F. Will, but never met him

I have come to the conclusion that Universal Helth Care is the moral thing that my country must provide.

With that said, such a dramatic change must be carefully made because once we start such a effort, it will become impossible to change.

This is where the comments of Mr. Will come into play.

Unlawful health reform?

By George F. WillThursday, November 19, 2009

Selections form his column.

In 2006, long before there was an Obama administration determined to impose a command-and-control federal health-care system, a young orthopedic surgeon walked into the Goldwater Institute


"No law shall be passed that restricts a person's freedom of choice of private health care systems or private plans of any type. No law shall interfere with a person's or entity's right to pay directly for lawful medical services, nor shall any law impose a penalty or fine, of any type, for choosing to obtain or decline health care coverage or for participation in any particular health care system or plan."


But does not federal law trump state laws? Not necessarily. Clint Bolick, a Goldwater Institute attorney, says, "It is a bedrock principle of constitutional law that the federal Constitution established a floor for the protection of individual liberties; state constitutions may provide additional protections."

This is really great reading.

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