Sunday, July 13, 2008

National Popular Vote : NPV

This is a new one on me folks. Maybe I should get out more often.

What really boggles my mind is to what end is it suppose to accomplish?

Our present system offers stability which has proven to work well.
Give me another reason to abandon our Constitution.

I don't know about you, but I want my vote to count!

Don't Mess With the Electoral College

Backers of the popular vote do not seek to amend the Constitution; they know this is a nonstarter. Instead, a growing "National Popular Vote" (NPV) movement wants state legislatures to instruct their electors to vote for the winner of the greatest number of popular votes in the national election -- regardless of the ballots cast by voters in their own states.

I have to wonder what brain-trust came up with that.

Click here, Full Commentary

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