Saturday, September 28, 2013

Obama, Kill Jobs, Coal

That rascal who occupies the White House is a real piece of work.

Since before the Obama occupation our country has suffered a depressed economy. One would think the President would do everything possible to relieve this situation. No secret there has been a lot of unemployment which leads me to wonder.

What is it with that guy's problem with COAL? 

 For what purpose that Barry would put hundreds of thousands of people out of work?

That guy continues the lie he cares about the MIDDLE CLASS, then boasts

"You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know -- Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad."

President Obama, Why Are You So Determined To Kill America's Coal Industry?

On Sept. 20 the Obama Administration proposed regulations that would require
future coal-fired power plants to deploy currently nonexistent technologies to reduce their CO
2emissions. The President has also directed the Environmental Protection Agency to propose rules next year to reduce CO2 emissions from existing coal fired plants. Coal provides nearly 40 percent of America’s electricity – no small amount –

EPA admits new coal regulations won't reduce global warming

An Environmental Protection Agency proposal designed to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce global warming will actually have no “notable CO2 emission changes.”
So, a rule that will essentially ban new coal-fired power plants will actually have no impact on global warming. Got it.
“The EPA does not anticipate that this proposed rule will result in notable CO2 emission changes, energy impacts, monetized benefits, costs, or economic impacts by 2022,” the EPA writes under the comments section of its proposal.
The EPA also admits that “the owners of newly built electric generating units will likely choose technologies that meet these standards even in the absence of this proposal due to existing economic conditions as normal business practice.”

Dispelling Some Popular Myths on CO2 Emissions

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set out on the next step to make
certain coal never sees the light of day. Approximately 36 coal-fired power plants would be the immediate victims. Newspapers and liberal blogs are certain to applaud what the EPA is about to do and support that agency's claim it is all part of an effort to prevent Global Warming (AKA Climate Change). Many laymen will be willing to go with what they read, trusting that it is correct and unwilling (or unable) to check for accuracy or factual truth. In some ways this submission is preaching to the choir, but the following facts might be useful to the choir provided it is willing to sing its shocking lyrics to the environmentalists.

American Thinker

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